Products & Services

Clarity offers a wide selection of retirement and group products and services. We source pension carriers, group benefits providers, and specialized asset managers to help you choose the solutions that are right for your needs. Where necessary, we will conduct an RFP to secure the most cost-effective solution.
Defined Contribution Pension Plan (DCPP)
Provides members with a retirement income. The sponsor is required to make contributions.

  • Contributions and expenses are tax-deductible to the sponsor.
  • A minimum sponsor contribution of 1% of participating members’ salaries is required.
  • Sponsor determines member eligibility and termination options, subject to applicable legislation.
  • Sponsor selects the funds available.
  • Members’ vested benefits are portable and may be transferred to an individual locked-in plan.
Defined Benefit Pension Plan (DBPP)
Provides members with a specified annual pension payment, a lump sum, or combination of both, in retirement. The amount is predetermined by a formula based on the employee’s earnings history and years of service.

Clarity has extensive experience managing DBPPs, including:

  • Investment Policy Statement development, including environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations.
  • Construction of model portfolios.
  • Monitoring and performance reporting.
  • Custodian and money manager selection and cost negotiation.
  • Liability immunization and risk mitigation.
Group Registered Retirement Savings Plan (GRRSP)
An employer-sponsored retirement savings plan, administered by the employer or plan sponsor. Employee contributions are made through payroll deductions.

  • Sponsor contributions are optional.
  • Contributions are not locked-in; however, sponsor may place restrictions on withdrawals while member is an employee.
  • Broad array of options available upon termination of employment.
  • Sponsor determines member eligibility and investments available.
Deferred Profit Sharing Plan (DPSP)
Provides incentive for members to work for the success of the company. Usually offered in combination with an RRSP or Registered Pension Plan.  Sponsors make the contributions.

  • Contributions and expenses are tax-deductible to the sponsor and do not attract payroll taxes.
  • Sponsor determines member eligibility and investments available.
  • Trustees are required – three individuals (one at arm’s length) or a corporate trustee.
  • Contributions must vest no later than two years after plan membership begins.
  • Broad array of options available upon termination of employment.
Non-registered savings
Provides an alternative for employers wishing to help employees save towards personal goals. Members benefit from systematic savings through payroll deductions. There are usually no limits or minimum contribution requirements.

  • Sponsor contributions are tax-deductible to sponsors and taxable to members.
  • Net investment income and net capital gains/losses on sponsor and member contributions must be tax reported to members annually.
  • Members may re-allocate investments at any time.
  • Cash withdrawals permitted at any time.
Employee Savings Plan (ESP)
A non-registered account set up by the employer as a savings vehicle for members’ after-tax dollars.

  • Sponsor contributions are taxable to members.
  • No vesting or locking-in rules apply.
  • Sponsor determines eligibility.
Investment-only consulting services (for Defined Benefit Plans)
We provide an investment management review and analysis of a defined benefit plan’s assets. Our detailed analysis includes benchmarking to relative peers and major indexes and review of management fee structure and costs.

  • Creating an Investment Policy Statement for the plan.
  • Establishing a reference or “model” portfolio.
  • Reviewing existing investments held in the plan to determine suitability.

Canadian pension regulators have announced their intention to audit all registered pension plans over the next few years.

Clarity offers a complimentary Audit to help identify pension plan vulnerabilities before they turn into problems. Call us to arrange for your complimentary Audit today!

Our complementary, no-obligation Pension Protection Audit can uncover hidden risks and gaps in your pension plan.

Start your FREE Audit